Yes, you can download HD episodes of "Lost" and "Desperate Housewives" to your Xbox. Then, watch "Rocky" and "The Usual Suspects" in HD too. More details from CES.
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Friday, January 18, 2008
ABC and MGM join Xbox Live Marketplace video service
Автор Pahom на 1:06 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Starcraft 2 coming for Xbox 360?
Microsoft's Retail Training Site inadvertently hints at Starcraft II as being the greatest game ever, and maybe it will be coming out on the 360 also.
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Автор Pahom на 1:05 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Criterion Collection: Xbox 360 Games You MUST Own
There are few titles that every true gamer must own. These games truly belong in the Criterion Collection. Here are the titles that belong on every Xbox 360 owner’s shelf.
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Автор Pahom на 1:04 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Lawyer for the 'Xbox 3' speaks out
"These are not guys looking to get rich," Gibson said in a telephone interview from Houston Tuesday. "They are in their late 20s and 30s. They are college-educated. These are not young kids who just turned 18 and [want] to sue for the fun of it. This is, to them, a real issue."
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Автор Pahom на 1:03 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Microsoft Doesn’t Owe You Anything for Xbox Live Issues
Gaming Today writer Chris says his prayers and takes a deeper look into the Xbox Live Issue. In his research, he seems to have found something interesting in the Terms of Service of the Xbox Live contract everyone agrees to when they sign up for the service. It seems Microsoft doesn't own anyone anything. Why? Only one way to find out...
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Автор Pahom на 1:03 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Xbox 360, DRM, and Why I Can't Play What I Paid For
Microsoft STILL has yet to fix their awful DRM licensing issues for Xbox Live Marketplace downloads, locking many people out of the content they've paid for. So when your 360 gets the RRoD, they will fix it, but in the process break everything you've downloaded from XBLM, leaving it to you to spend months on the phone with XBL Support.
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Автор Pahom на 1:02 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Goldeneye XBL Petition + Contacts - Lets Make it Happen Digg
We've done it before and we can do it again. Lets show once again how Digg and the Internet can make change happen! No ads or spam, just a page with the petition, and e-mail contacts at MS/Nintendo. Please add more contacts in the comments (so I can add to the blog), so we can get our voice out there as much as possible!
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Автор Pahom на 1:02 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Halo 3 Championship Tournament on Xbox Live
Today, Microsoft, Bungie and the US Army (huh?!) announced their plans to recruit the best Halo 3 gamers with the launch of the first ever Halo 3 Championship Tournament this April, exclusively on Xbox Live. This is the same tournament that slipped out of the PR team's lips a bit early last month, but now it's official and ready to go.
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Автор Pahom на 1:01 AM 0 комментария(ев)
Microsoft says Blu-ray for 360 is possible
The latest company to possibly jump on the Blu-ray bandwagon is none other than Microsoft itself, the backers of the rival HD-DVD format. According to BetaNews, Albert Penello, director for global marketing at Microsoft, revealed that while his company will continue to back the HD-DVD for the 360, that because of the external drive c...
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Автор Pahom на 12:59 AM 0 комментария(ев)